Monday, April 16, 2012

Every story has a beginning VII

Followers of Hyperborea Exists, I’m back to continue ‘Every story has a beginning’. In my last entry I revealed the results of the carbon dating test that we ran on the samples from Odin’s Keel in the Niflheim Cave.

The tests were repeated three times and the results were conclusive. The samples were close to sixty thousand years old or more. We were faced with an unprecedented dilemma: were these the oldest archaeological remains ever found? Or had the samples been affected by some type of undetected pollution, leading to these virtually impossible results?

Photo that I took to the several NTNU experts during the investigation commission for the samples recovered from the Niflheim Cave.
It was clear that the answers were beyond us. So with all our documents ready, we requested an urgent meeting with the NTNU Commission of Experts. At the meeting we passionately defended our work, the procedures we had followed and the authenticity of the samples. Suspicious voices suggested that we had invented the whole story for media attention. Luckily for us, we also had the testimonies of Nordic Communications staff who had been on board the Blue Sea with us when we discovered the Niflheim Cave.

I wish I could say that the meeting was a success, that we convinced our colleagues and that a project to raise the shipwreck was instantly approved. But instead we met with hostility and total rejection. No one believed the results of the carbon dating test. After all, if they were true, it would change everything we thought we knew about history to date. No one wanted to be labelled a fantasist by the media. Even so, we did manage to convince them that the findings were important, whether they were sixty thousand years old or only a thousand. Therefore, after tense negotiations, the NTNU granted us a small fraction of its budget to return to the Niflheim Cave.

Unfortunately, the NTNU would only allow us to gather a few more samples and create a perimeter around the site to determine its full size. However, we were granted a submarine sonar that could be used to establish the structure of the supposed shipwreck beneath the ocean floor. Olve, Geir and I left the meeting exhausted and with a bitter-sweet taste in our mouths. Despite everything, we were encouraged by having a new opportunity to return to the site. We were firmly convinced that we would find even more concrete evidence that would back up our theory.

We wanted to set off immediately but weren’t authorised to begin our crazy expedition until September 2000 because we all had various commitments that couldn’t be broken. During the wait, which lasted just over a month, I made the most of any free time to continue my research. I wanted to discover where a shipwreck like that might have come from. That was how I rediscovered the stories about Hyperborea I had been told when I was small.

One of the many old maps in which Hyperborea appears. In this it was believed that it was located in present-day Russia. The most widespread versión among ancient civilizations it that it was located on an island north or north-west Europe.

The more I read about the myths and legends surrounding the civilization, using wide ranging sources from Greek to Chinese, the more convinced I became that perhaps there was some truth to the legend. Everything seemed to fit: the time period, the approximate location... I knew my colleagues would call me crazy so I kept my theories to myself, but I was increasingly certain that Odin’s Keel might be none other than the remains of a Hyperborean boat.

But until we returned to the Niflheim Cave I couldn’t be sure. I just had to be patient and try to control my excitement even though I thought we might be looking at the greatest archaeological find in the history of humanity. That’s all for today, dear followers of Hyperborea Exists. I hope to resume my tale shortly as I’d like to finish it before submitting my research. As always, thank you for your on-going support.

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